Monday, May 7, 2012

Comfort Food

Do you guys have albums that you can listen to over and over and are comforting every.single.time you listen to them? I have several that I tend to listen to on repeat for weeks and weeks. Most of them are oldiesbutgoodies, I guess.
Here are some of mine:

Carole King
1971, A&M Records

This is the one I've been stuck on for weeks now. Every song is so comforting and sticks in your head. Even the album cover is so comforting. Cats! It's Too Late is one of my go-to shower songs. Is that too much information?

Buy Here

Peter, Paul and Mary
Peter, Paul and Mary
1962, Warner Bros.

This one might have to do with this being the album of my childhood. Maybe it's just the folksy-goodness of every single song on this album. Mary Travers voice - I mean, come on.

Buy Here

Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon and Garfunkel
1970, Columbia Records 

There was a time in my life where I thought it was uncool to listen to Simon and Garfunkel. Sometimes you just need them, you know? You can never go wrong with their "Best of" album, if you just want to get all of their hits in one shot.

Joni Mitchell
1971, A&M Studios

Big Yellow Taxi. That is all. Buy Blue  


Anything Arthur Russell.

What are your go-to albums?
Let me know!

This post is dedicated to my dog, Jack.


I'm trying not to make this too sentimental.  I'll just say that he was a really good dog and my best friend. 


  1. My go to albums are probably Busted and Son of Dork as these are the songs of my childhood. I remember buying Busted's first album when I was six and I was so excited because it was the first time I'd bought my own CD!x

  2. I actually hadn't heard of Busted before. I checked them out. Thanks! That's a pretty sophisticated first ever album.

  3. Joni Mitchell Blue, is one of my favourite albums! I just LOVE it. The best album by her. EVER<3


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