Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BillBoard's Top 100

Get ready. Kim and Kat are releasing an album! We don't know when and we don't know where. But, it's going to Rock Your World. You can look forward to hits such as:
Flirty Facial Tic
Interracial Rabbits
Smirnoff + Pills

We're creating an empire, Nerdz!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's the Holiday Season, Beyotchez!!!

That's right, [blog]fans. Thanksgiving is over, so put your bonnets away and get your tinsel out of the closet.

(That's right. We do have a pilgrim bonnet in our room. At college.)

Here's a little something to get y'all in the Holiday Spirit!

Kitschy, ja?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I just love Rainbows, and Unicorns, and Kittens, and Bunnies, and Ponies. Don't you???!!

This week we're going to be doing a kick-ass photoshoot, so check back soon. I met my muse today and you should be DYING to see what it's going to be (You'll get this later). These photos should propel me to fame and fortune. Or at least make my photo teacher like me. Basically, my whole photography career and therefore the happiness of my life are depending on these photographs.

What the Hipsters are Chattin' About

Hey Kids,
We wanted to find out what all the Hipster Hubbub was about, so we finally checked out Twin Peaks. Maybe you've heard of it? No? Well, obviously we are very much on top of the hipster scene. Laura Palmer? Anyone?
First things first. Let's cover the theme song:

Three minutes of NOTHING!!! Isn't it great?
But, the real appeal of Twin Peaks is the FASHION:

Look how dark!

Does she not scream Hipster Chic to you?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reasons Why I'm Exactly Like My Idol

1. We're both dreamboats. Duh.

(I couldn't decide whether publishing this would be inappropriate. I just found out that Patty Mayonnaising something is (dirty). Am I behind the times?) Running a blog is hard work! So much research.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The One in Which Kimberly Explains It All

Basically, I'm the only person in the entire World that GETS things. And, I will use this blog to enlighten everyone and rub it in y'all's faces. Get at me, beyotches!!!!@#$%$&&^%$##!!!!!!
Things that I get:
Everything (amIright, beyotches??)

What the KoolKids are Watching

You're welcome, dad. Now you know.

What We're About

First and foremost, we're about FASHION. Obviously. And, we will use this website primarily as a place to post model shots of US. And, most importantly exploit ourselves as much as possible. And, maybe become famous or get some free stuff or whatever.
Ok kids. Let's start this off right. With pictures of ME.
Let's introduce you to the cast of characters:
(To keep things interesting and full of suspense, we will introduce them one at a time. Also, to keep you guys coming back for more.) 

Preparing for Take-off

Get ready World. Kim and Kat have entered the blog-o-sphere. We are hurtling at you at approximately 23 trillion light-years per second, I think. Crazy.
Just you wait.
We'll be broadcasting everything you need to know about everything, meaning mostly musicals. So stay tuned. You should probably check back every day, even.
Auf Weidersehen!
~Kim and Kat

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