Sunday, June 29, 2014

100th Post!!!

Besides being the day I post my 100th Post(!!!!), today is also the day I found little baby gargoyles in my basement. What do you guys want from me for your special 100th anniversary? You guys can have anything, honestly. And what do you want more of in the future? I love suggestions, so the next 100 posts will be even better.

(Isn't this cinematic? Well guess what. Completely 100% not computer-generated. It's all real).

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bird Girl and the Flower Goddess

This is a style I was trying out at school and I'm trying to expand it into a series. Let me know what you think, please. Thank you.


New Model

This summer I need to really expand my portfolio and I need lots of pictures of people who aren't me. I want to photograph everyone! (If you're a model or know models let me know)! I tried some stuff today. Here you go. This is my friend, Ruthanna.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Some of you might remember Juda Leah from previous posts (HERE and HERE); well this past weekend she got MARRIED! I know, it seems so mature. The wedding was beautiful and I took pictures, of course. Everyone loves looking at wedding photos, right?