Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today I was thinking: How much fun would it be to get packages full of fun stuff in the mail from people I don't know?! (Or do know, I'm not picky). What if they were bloggers just like me or even better - just an adoring fan?! AND then I could send them packages full of stuff too! Stuff that I think a person would love to have or would just be so exciting to receive in the mail. Like how exciting would it be to get a whole new outfit in the mail? Or a CD? Or a zine? What do you guys think? Does anyone want to be my PenPal?

Little Edie Beale: Style Icon

For my Communication Design class we got to make e-magazines for iPad. I made one about my style icon Little Edie Bouvier Beale. I wish there was a way to share it with you guys in its original form, but I'll do my best to modify it to share with you guys! There is a slideshow and an audio file which I can't figure out how to share with you guys. What do I do???

*You guys! I fixed it! I still want to put the audio up for you too, so just sit tight!

Okay, so I made this playlist but you need to have eight songs to publish it. I mostly just want you guys to check out the first two tracks to get into the Mood.