Do you guys know how hard it is to do anything in Paint? Blarg. |
Hey Guys!!
Big news! It's happening. This blog is blowing up. We have our very first guest blogger! She'll posting her first post soon. In the meantime she did this interview with me and I'm posting it NOW to build the EXCITEMENT and ANTICIPATION. Is it working??
Full name: Aurelia Bode, short Lia
Where do you live? What is an interesting fact about where you live? What is your favorite hangout spot?: Melbourne, Australia. I'm originally from Germany, but spent about 5
months last year in Bolivia where I first wanted to settle down.. long
story short, I planned to move to my dad, (who lives in Bolivia) but
then decided to go with my then boyfriend to Australia. I really enjoy living in Melbourne as I lived in a small town most of my
life! (I am almost 17) Hang out spots: I quite like Fitzroy, little
cafes on Smith Street and little independent boutiques on Brunswick
Street. I'm a window-shopper and I love thrift stores.
Hobbies: Well, I started playing the guitar, I really like to surprise
my boyfriend with things I cook/ try to cook! Lately I have been
organizing a meet-up group for girls that are new to the city.
What I do: I skipped school and now have several jobs, including
babysitting, dish washing and working in a shopping centre, where I give
people brochures about getting solar systems and talk them into being
environmental. I never planned to do these jobs, originally I wanted to
study fabric design! But I am happy with my life and it's never too late
to study :) My plan for the future is to have a 'creative' job, like in
a radio station or an independent magazine.
Who is most inspiring to you? There are a few books I read as a kid that are still inspiring me,
mostly Francesca Lia Block's
Weetzie Bat and Blake Nelson's
Girl! I love
the vibe of the book. (Oh, and one of the reasons I use Lia as my name
instead of Aurelia is actually that she is one of my favorite authors!)
websites like
Tavi's Blog (
www.thestylerookie.com) and Rookie (
www.rookiemag.com) and
Lookbook.nu are inspirations for my style.
The biggest inspiration is probably the vibe of places I go to or people
I meet that are just doing their own thing :)
Favourite music: The Beatles! Neon Indian, MGMT, Tame Impala, Animal
Collective, Gold Panda generally bands that sound psychedelic... I quite
like Lana Del Rey and some other 'mainstream' music, oldies you can
dance to, the Beach boys etc.
Why and when I started blogging: It's almost exactly one year ago. My
mother died and I did spend hours online, reading other peoples blogs,
listening to music and writing stuff to work out how I felt about
everything. Then, I was like, why not start a blog? I started take
photos of things I found interesting and first wrote about normal
school/ life stuff (which I still do :)) Yeah, also it's an easy way to
show my friends in Germany- and the rest of the world- what I'm up to.
My blog is not very popular, but I enjoy to have it, anyway ^_^
(*You guys can check out her awesome blog here:
Top Ten:
2. Pancakes with Nutella
3. Savers/ other secondhandshops
4. Everything with hello kitty (secret obsession)
5. My boyfriend <3
6. The Mighty Boosh (British tv series that I quote at least once a day)
7. Autobiographies of people like Doris Lessing
8. Libraries! I love going to the library dressed like a schoolgirl
and read old editions of National Geographics
9. Vogue magazine
10. All my favourite bands! Music that relaxes me :)
Are you guys excited?!! Me too!!!
P.S. Check out her blog!! Seriously.