Hey Kids! After having a broken computer and having it sent away for repairs I'M BACK. Thank.God. I know you guys were worried sick.
AND I got THIS record yesterday which I've been pining over for quite awhile. Hunx is Just So Cool, you guys. And the guy in the record store was so nice and gave music suggestions. So check out Jack's Rhythms for all of your music needs. (That's how impressed I was.)
Here are two PARTY albums for summer:
Too Young To Be In Love
Hunx and his Punx
2011 Hardly Art
This is perfect summer listening. "Lover's Lane" is so catchy (I even posted it HERE). Every song is so catchy and upbeat and So Cool. I love all of their music videos if you want to watch something quirky and stylish.
You can buy it HERE!!!!
Feed the Animals
2008 Illegal Art
I know everyone and their moms would choose this album but it doesn't stop me from putting it as my go-to party album. If you want to feel like one of the cool kids I highhly recommend this album for all of your partying and dancing needs.
You can buy it HERE!!!!